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One Learning: Good Production Super Charges the Agency; Bad Production Kills Brands.

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The COVID-19 Crisis has brought a truth to light: campaigns are only as powerful as the production team bringing them to life. Production at scale, organized, with people, process, and tools opens the possibilities.

So, what now?

The best we can do is prepare ourselves for constant change. Surround yourself with the people, business partners, and technology that will enable you, make transformation easy, and not hold your creative back.

  1. Be ready for a big change in formats and media.
  2. Have a production strategy for your brand.
  3. A production strategy led by creative, powered by tech.

A full recap of Sergio’s presentation on post-lockdown production follows. Reach out to your McCann, IPG or Craft representative if you have any questions on how to make these changes a reality.

Three Tips

  1. Make the Rules Part of the Solution
    Production is adaptive. Make no assumptions about what is or is not possible. We will make it happen.
  2. Learn to Play in Uncertainty
    Collaboration is the key to embracing uncertainty. Bring creative, strategy, channel expertise, and production together to engineer new solutions in a rapidly changing environment.
  3. Upgrade Your Tech
    Make your life easier with production technology. A global, cloud- based production tech solution will change your life, and your inbox. It will make global reach possible and allow for brand centralization and consistency.

The New Reality

  1. Distanced experiences will be the new normal.
    • New types of placements and media formats will allow brands to fill empty venues. Audiences will get used to the best seat in the house.
    • Collective VR will be a thing.
  2. Glocalization.
    • Centralization of production will happen.
    • Automation will be the new offshoring.
    • Christmas advertising will be bigger than ever.
  3. Undeniable truth or life-evading fiction.
    • Look for more fiction-led global campaigns, an element of escapism in difficult times instead of a constant reminder.
    • Product demos will be back but in a new format, make it real and achievable.
    • Spike in celebrity endorsement.
  4. Universal talent as collaboration becomes easier.
    • Projects with talent from different locations collaborating remotely will become the new norm.
    • Cultural shift in visual style and social cues.
    • “Makers” will further develop their social channels and grow their following.
  5. Disruption in the production market.
    • Big production companies will focus on talent development and diversifying their offering.
    • Growing number of new, hybrid, independent talent.
    • Brand led vs. industry led ways of working.