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5 Women Embracing Collective Individualism in the Workplace

The theme for 2020 International Women’s Day is #EachforEqual, the idea that the unique perspectives we all bring to the table should be equally valued to support collective individualism and a gender-equal world.

Collective individualism is achieved when we are united by celebrating what makes each of us different. It’s about recognizing that individuality is universal, and we can create equality by making space for each person and perspective the world has to offer.

In the production, advertising, and creative industries, diversity of perspectives is essential to creating meaningful and authentic content. What I love about working for a global company like Craft is the fact that inclusivity and diversity is essential to our business model. Talking, collaborating, creating, and problem solving with colleagues from different cultures opens your eyes every day to new ways of thinking and operating.

24. That’s how many female leaders we have across the globe in Craft’s 22+ offices. Female perspectives are represented in literally every region and impact the daily production choices and strategic business decisions we make for our clients and our own company every day.

In honor of celebrating these perspectives on International Women’s Day, I’ve asked a few of our female leaders to share what equality means to them, advice they have for women in the industry, and how to be more inclusive.

Here’s what they had to say:

There are little steps that we can take on a daily basis to create an environment that welcomes collective individualism and invites the contribution of new perspectives. Here’s a quick list of ideas we’ve brainstormed that can be applied to any workplace:

  1. In meetings, invite others to contribute their ideas or perspectives before you contribute yours. Create ways of collaborating that give each person a chance to contribute.
  2. Set up a truth wall in an open space and invite staff to write down their ideas or thoughts on the wall – big or small. These can be collected by leadership and HR teams to brainstorm new ideas and ways of creating connections.
  3. Mix staff with leaders. Creating a mentor program beyond your reporting structure will give individuals the chance to share their ideas and perspectives with different leaders.
  4. Sharing experiences is the key to building empathy. So, consider a newsletter, Instagram account, or dedicated wall space to highlight activities, hobbies, and talents of employees outside of the office.
  5. Update your teams on your inclusive vision so they can support your ideas, understand them, and contribute their own thoughts.

We have a wonderful opportunity to shape the way we work today and build a better future. I’m honored to be a part of a company and team with inclusivity and solidarity at its core. Thank you to those who are making space for new voices and equality.